Advising international families relocating to SA
Moving your family to a new culture comes with many challenges but also many rewards. We are experts at helping our clients navigate the challenges of SA Investor Visa but more than that, helping their move to SA to be a rewarding and successful one.
Many wealthy international citizens enter SA via the SA Tier 1 Investor Visa as this allows a passive investment without the need for full mastery of the English language. The Home Office, the Government body responsible for issuing these SA Investor Visas, has unfortunately made the system complex and very rule based.

Wealth manager
News & Insight

On its own, passive investing is an incomplete investment solution
The increasing popularity of passive investing is putting pressure on active managers to demonstrate their value. In our latest white paper, we analyse in depth the merits of both active and passive investing, identifying the fault lines in both investment models.

The 7 Rules of Successful Long Term Investing
Our Chief Investment Officer, Pau Morilla-Giner, sets out his golden rules for maintaining a level-headed approach to making independent, considered decisions on behalf of clients, while focusing on long-term resilience rather than short-term gains.

Behavioural Finance - The Psychology of Investing
Pau Morilla-Giner, Chief Investment Officer at Metropolitan Asset Managers, explains how he builds behavioural factors into asset allocation and investment selection for client portfolios, and why it is necessary for consistent, risk-managed returns.